Our History

At the dedication of the building in 1994, Rev. Donald P. Tonack, wrote: “Truly with awe we can say, 'God has been so good to us'!”  Indeed, those words express our history well. God has revealed His goodness, grace, and compassion to us in many ways throughout our short history. For this brief overview of our history, we will consider our past in terms of the “Formative Years,” the “Wandering Years,” the “Building Years,” and the “Now Years.”

The Formative Years
Unfortunately, Holy Cross was born from a split within Immanuel Lutheran Church, which took place in 1982. A group left Immanuel and called Rev. Herbert F. W. Boehne as their first Pastor. It is always sad when there is division within the Body of Christ, but, as Joseph told his brothers, the Lord can bring good out of evil (Genesis 50:20). Indeed, He did.

The Wandering Years
​Just as Israel had a period of wandering, we had our own period of wandering from place to place. From 1982 to 1993, Holy Cross did not have a building or property. They gathered in many places, such as in houses and in Aasum Funeral Home. More importantly, after Pastor Boehne retired, Holy Cross did not have her own Pastor for seven years. This was a time of great doubt and uncertainty. No doubt the Devil, the world, and the flesh waged war against us.
Thankfully, the Lord provided. Many vacancy pastors, such as Rev. Jim Rehley, Rev. Walt Warman, and Rev. Donald Tonack, nourished us with the Word. Our brothers and sisters in St. Peter's Cornelius adopted us as a Mission Church, supporting us with prayers and gifts. The members of Holy Cross encouraged each other and carried each others burdens. Through the Word, the Sacrament, and the mutual consolation of the brethren, God sustained this church.

The Building Years
​God blessed the saints of Holy Cross greatly! He gave us a Pastor. On July 5, 1992, Rev. Donald Tonack was installed at Holy Cross. God gave us a bit of property and on June 13, 1993 we began to construct the building that we still use to this day. The church was built by the time, energy, and skill of volunteers. As members worked shoulder-to-shoulder, strong bonds were formed.

The Now Years
​Now, Holy Cross continues steadfastly “in the teaching of the apostles and in the fellowship, in the breaking of the loaf and in the prayers” (Acts 2:42). Rev. Bruce G. Ley served as our Pastor from February 9, 1997 through January 1, 2017.  Now, he serves as our Pastor Emeritus.  Rev. Alexander Lange became our Associate Pastor in June of 2015 and then became our sole Pastor when Rev. Bruce Ley retired.
​As the first generation of Christians of Holy Cross begins to pass away, a new generation emerges. Many people have joined Holy Cross in recent years, some transferring from Lutheran congregations, and others joining the Lutheran Church for the first time. Together we worship, learn, and serve, enjoying God's great and unconditional love, and also growing in love for each other.

When the Church in the days of the apostles gathered around the Word and faithfully confessed that Jesus is Lord, St. Luke reports that “the Lord added the [ones] being saved from day to day” (Acts 2:47).  May it be that He continues adding to His saved ones through the persistent and faithful confession of the dear saints of Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church. We give all glory, praise, thanksgiving, and honor to the Triune God today and everyday for His 30+ Years of Immeasurable Grace!